There are different ways to host a race:
Organise events yourself
Organise a race with friends or a team of organisers
Work together with a professional organiser who will manage your events
Free or paid events?
As our name says, Everyrun supports every type of run. So, it doesn’t matter if your event is big or small, or if you want to organise free events, or charge people to attend. The process for creating, hosting and attending events is the same.
For paid events, you choose the price that is right for you and a small commission is paid to Everyrun.
Regular Events
Park Runs (weekly 5km events like parkrun)
Recreational Runs
Training Sessions
Time trials
One Off Events
Fun Runs & Fundraising Events
Corporate Events
Competitive races
If you are ready to host a run, just make sure:
Your experience follows these quality standards
You’ve learned about local laws